This page explains some important stuff about using our website ( By using our calculator, you’re basically saying you agree to these terms. So, give it a quick read before you get started!

Accuracy: We try our best to keep the info on our site up-to-date and accurate, but mistakes can happen. The VAT calculator works based on what you enter, and it’s meant to be a general guide. For super important financial stuff related to VAT, it’s always recommended to consult a qualified professional for specific advice related to VAT calculations or any other financial matters.

No Professional Advice: The info on our website isn’t professional tax advice. It’s just meant to be a helpful guide. We can’t be held responsible if you rely on it for super important tax stuff. For personalized VAT advice, it’s always best to talk to a qualified tax professional or the South African authorities directly.

Third-Party Websites and Links: Our website might have links to other sites we don’t control. These links are just there for your convenience, and clicking them doesn’t mean we approve of those sites. We’re not responsible for what they have on their pages, so be careful and read their terms and privacy policies before you visit.

Limitation: Unfortunately, we can’t be held responsible for any problems (financial or otherwise) that might arise from using our website. This includes things like mistakes on the site, technical issues, or even computer viruses.

Changes to Website: We might change things up on our website and this disclaimer from time to time, without letting you know beforehand. It’s a good idea to check back here now and then to see if anything has changed. By continuing to use our website after any updates, you’re saying you agree to the new terms.

Governing Law and Jurisdiction: This Disclaimer shall be governed by and construed following the laws of South Africa. Any disputes arising from the use of the Website shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts located within South Africa.

By using our VAT calculator, you’re basically saying you’ve read and agree to the terms we’ve outlined here. If something in this disclaimer doesn’t sit right with you, then it’s best not to use our website.